Age: 10
Adoption Fees: $300
Adoption Status:

August 4, 2018 – Mario will be humanely euthanized this Tuesday as his health condition is not getting better.  His latest blood work result is showing abnormally elevated liver enzymes.  Despite all the efforts and medical assistance we have made over the past 2 months, letting Mario cross the bridge is the kindest thing we can do for him.  Run free little man.

July 24, 2019 – Mario is being a perfect post op patient. Mario is eating his GI kangaroo diet with some wet food. He has a good appetite and is enjoying it. We are keeping close watch on his mouth over the next week until his sutures dissolve. Mario pre op has been doing pretty well with house training. Post op he has occasionally peed in his pee pad while sleeping. This is understandable because he is on some pain medication that makes him sleepy. Otherwise he’s been doing his business outside like a good boy! Mario loves going for walks he is a little slow and wobbly but he keeps up pretty good with his fellow pugs. Mario is back to being his happy little self. He brings us toys and is such a happy little fella. Mario loves to snuggle and be near us. He has made friends with all of our neighbors as he basically demands that they pet him and pay him attention.  Mario is going back for blood work in a few weeks to see if his level of liver enzyme are back to normal.

July 17, 2018 – Mario did very well after his surgeries today (neutering and dental procedure).  He only has 4 teeth left and he is 19lbs.  Mario will be going to his foster home later today for a smooth recovery.

July 13, 2018 – Mario’s ultrasound and urine analysis result came back normal.  He has been put on kangaroo formula and he is getting neutered and having his teeth cleaned on July 17.

July 5, 2018 -Mario had his ultrasound and biopsy this morning. We won’t know the results till tomorrow. He came home with a really cute bandana from the vet looking so handsome. He’s a little cooler  because they shaved his belly for the procedure. We have currently suspended all rehab until we know more about this little man. He doesn’t seem to be improving. His poop is yellow and he is wobbly when he walks.  Despite this he is always happy to see us and loves to be around us. He is a very sweet pup.  Mario was really enjoying his meals on the new liver support diet. But the last two days have been a struggle. He sometimes won’t eat. We offer it later and sometimes he eats and sometimes he doesn’t. Yesterday he didn’t eat breakfast but ate around 10am. Then would not eat dinner. It was offered several times in the evening and he wouldn’t eat. He was not allowed to eat this morning due to the scan. So you would think he would have been starving. But he didn’t eat much at first. He finally ate it an hour later. But this definitely has me worried. Mario continues to wear the pee pad
but had been having less accidents.

June 16, 2018 – Rehab: Mario went to rehab on Friday June 8th
and Monday June 11th and is booked for Friday June 15th. On Friday they measured how much pressure he is putting on each limb- which used to be dramatically different, it is now nearly equal which is fantastic. It means he isn’t relying on one side or protecting the other. Showing great strength in his limbs. Friday he did 12 minutes on the treadmill on an incline for the first time ever, he did great. On Monday Mario did 15 minutes on the treadmill (his longest time yet) on an incline and at the fastest speed yet. We worked on him walking on a mat and standing up on a step, making him put weight on his back legs and stand straight up.  He has been walking stronger and continues to occasionally try to run. He is more interactive with toys and gets up easier unless he has been lying down for a longer period of time.  Mario is such a happy little man. He loves being talked to and played with. He is becoming quite the little snuggle bug. He stands on his back legs to ask you to pick him up and cuddle. Which is amazing because he has the strength to do it and he has the confidence to want to snuggle. Mario’s cutest new quirk is if we have gone out, even for just a short while when we return and find him sleeping in his bed. When he wakes up he prances around and sings a little song, he makes quiet little happy noises, its so cute!
Mario likes to get inside his foster dad’s stinky gym bag.  Mario is eating turkey and rice diet. He doesn’t always finish the entire portion, but he has been eating more and more. He eats very slowly and needs a lot of patience with feeding. Mario has been peeing in his pad approximately once a day. Despite many walks and many pees outside he still pees in his pad sometimes. Mario likes to bark at things with wheels while we are on walks. Strollers, skateboards, roller skates, bikes etc. His bark is very soft, so nobody seems to mind. Mario otherwise doesn’t appear to be scared of anything. While vacuuming this week I had to pick him up in his bed to move him to vacuum and then move him back.

June 5, 2018 – Mario has been doing great the last few days.  He is a very happy little man. He’s pretty curious about everything and likes to follow you to see what you are up to. He’s very gentle, good with other dogs & children. Mario loves when you talk to him. He has started making happy little pug noises more and more.  Mario is continuing with a low protein diet and his elevated bowl makes it easier for him to eat.  Mario continues wearing the belly band inside. He has only had one time where he peed in it this week and has done all his poops outside. He gets a small treat to encourage outdoor pees and poops and this is going pretty well. Because of his diet and liver condition, Mario drinks a fair amount of water so we offer more times to pee and poop outside also. Mario loves going for walks. He even tried to run a few times this week when he got excited. He is picking his feet up more and showing a lot more strength since he has started hydrotherapy sessions.  Mario is really enjoying his rehab sessions. He did much better on his second & third visits. He is working on stability and strength. Today he did 10 minutes on the treadmill and worked on climbing an elevated mat which helped engage a lot of his muscles.  Mario continues to sleep on his bed on the floor.

May 26, 2018 – Mr. Mario is transitioning very well.  We are having a great time with him.  Mario was incredibly sad when he arrived, his eyes were sad, he cried a little. He had a bath that washed away ten years of dirt, rings around the tub. He seriously bonded with his Foster Daddy after that bath and immediately started looking better. He, like most pugs wasn’t super impressed by nail clipping and face and ear cleaning. But he sure loves being clean! He’s very gentle with all dogs and kids. He has the softest bark, it’s really cute. Definitely becoming a snuggle monster. Today he pulled all the toys out of the toy box and was having a great time playing!Mario had a wobbly gait when he arrived, causing him to trip and stumble quite a bit. His teeth looked poor and he looked extremely bloated.
Mario went to the vet on Wednesday. He had bloodwork done, x-rays & stool sample. Mario has some elevated liver function enzymes in his blood; likely due to poor diet and 0 exercise. He has started a new low protein diet to help correct this problem. He is starting a walking regimen of a minimum four short walks per day with plans to start hydrotherapy sessions to help him build strength and muscles on his hind legs. Mario will revisit the vet in 1 month to reassess his liver enzymes and to plan his dental and neutering surgeries.  Mario is currently wearing a belly band to help ensure he isn’t marking and to train him not to pee by accident. We have had one pee and one poop accident. Both happened because it was close to walk time and he got too excited. Otherwise, it’s only been three days and he’s doing great. He is starting to poop more regularly and he’s farting which is making him look less bloated already.  Currently, Mario is eating cooked turkey & rice and loves it. Mario is getting stronger walking already. He walks pretty well on leash considering his gait. He is fairly stable as long as he’s on one terrain. It’s either all grass or sidewalk, if he straddles both it’s very hard for him. He loves going for walks and being outside.  Because Mario isn’t super steady, he sleeps on the floor in a puppy bed. He loves it and settles right in.  He has a big crush on his pug foster sister and follows his humans everywhere in the house. We are carrying him up and downstairs as he just isn’t strong enough or coordinated enough yet.


May 22, 2018 – Mario came in this afternoon  He was left tied to the door of a shelter with a little bag of toys.  This super sweet boy is very friendly and he wasn’t to be loved.  Mario is going to the vet tomorrow.w for a complete check up. Mario will need his teeth cleaned and he will need to get neutered.  Stay tuned on more on this boy.


Age: 10
Adoption Fees: $300
Adoption Status:

July 12, 2018 – Peggy went to her forever home tonite, she will share her life with a pug sister.

June 28, 2018 –  I had my spay surgery yesterday and the vet said I did great.  The staff also said I was so sweet – I don’t think they wanted me to go home!  I am taking it easy right now while I heal up, but I am feeling good.  I am taking Metacam for a few days and getting extra cuddles.  I have recently been bunking up with Ollie pug and we like to play every now and then!

June 10, 2018 – Peggy spent the last week living with a cat and they got on famously. She is so easy going, sweet and really loves being with her people. Peggy is usually foster mom’s shadow throughout the day. Cuddling on the couch in the evenings is still her favourite activity! She also loves going for short walks. Peggy dreams of having a low key companion to spend her days with. And who could resist those eyes?

May 29, 2018 – Peggy had her teeth cleaned yesterday and six teeth were extracted. She had a bit of dinner last night and has been alert. We are now relaxing on the couch.  She will be on an antibiotic for a few days. She is looking forward to meeting everyone at the UMWPR Garage Sale this Saturday !




May 22, 2018 – Peggy went to the vet on Saturday and she is scheduled for dental cleaning on May 28. She has been nothing but sweet and has fit in like a glove.  She is definitely out of shape, but enjoys short walks and hanging out in the yard.  Her favourite activity is sleeping in comfortable spots – especially on the couch and our bed.  Met my parent’s cat and no problems. Gets along with the resident dogs and 1 year old boy.

May 14, 2018 – Peggy is a dream!!  She is a sweet, well behaved, cuddle buddy.  Met my parent’s cat and no problems. Gets along with the resident dogs and 1 year old human.  Peggy is going to the vet this Saturday for a complete check up and to scheduled her spaying & dental cleaning.

May 13, 2018 – That sweet girl came in today.  Her name is Peggy and she was surrendered by her owner who had to go to a senior residence.  Peggy will be 11 in September and she is not spayed.  Peggy will be going to the vet in the coming week for a complete check up.


Age: 8
Adoption Fees: $300
Adoption Status:

July 30, 2018 – Joe is gone to his forever home on July 28, he will live with Sol, the pug.

July 17, 2018 – We have decided to put Joe up for adoption but we will want his adoptive to continue working on his weight loss journey.  If you are up for that challenge, please fill out the Adoption Application that you will find on our website.

July 16, 2018Joe has really enjoyed the cooler mornings and evenings this week and the pep is back in his step when we go for our walks.  I think with his 5lb weight loss he is already feeling the positive effects.  The heat doesn’t seem to be bothering him quite as much.  He has even started to ask to go out just to sunbathe when just a few weeks ago he would ask to come back in after 10 minutes in our backyard which unfortunately doesn’t offer much shade.  Joe has also started using some of the numerous dog beds in the house and is cuddling on my lap even more.  When he first arrived he only wanted to lay down on the cool floor tiles. Joe has settled down quite a bit although he is still active and if he doesn’t get enough exercise he tends to look for mischief.  Joe loves to go anywhere especially if its in the car.  He loves to go visit and loves to have visitors.  On our walks he’s in heaven when the kids at the park surround and fuss over him. He very good with kids lapping up their attention with a wagging tail but doesn’t jump up on them.  Joe enjoys helping around the house especially making beds and vacuuming.  This big sweetheart loves to be vacuumed and brushed although he barely sheds. Joe also enjoys gardening especially if he gets to nibble on some of the vegetables. He now lets me clean his ears with little fuss although doing his nails still takes two people.  There isn’t much more I can say about this big boy other than he is an absolute sweetheart.

July 4, 2018 – Joe continues to be a joy to foster.  This sweet boy is very affectionate and has a very distinct personality.  He is stubborn and a little mischievous and he is a constant source of  entertainment.  I really don’t understand why this joyful pug is so overweight.  Joe is the least food obsessive pug I have every had.  Don’t get me wrong if you give him food he will eat it but he never begs and he never acts like he is starving and hasn’t eaten for weeks like most pugs I know.  At dinner time I have to take his toy away from him and show him that dinner is ready which he gobbles up readily, but unlike most pugs he isn’t constantly reminding me  an hour ahead it is dinner time.  When our family sits down to dinner he is usually on the sofa sucking, (yes I said sucking) his stuffy like a puppy.  This boy is toy obsessed.  Yesterday morning I found him on my dining room table.  He jumped up on top of one of the dog crates and jumped on the table because he some how knew a toy was on the table.  The day before Joe was climbing on the back of the recliner trying to get over the half wall in the kitchen to get a toy that had been left on the kitchen table.  Joe is very resourceful when he wants his toys.  Joe has been finding the heat very hard.  Walks have been much shorter and he walks much slower even with a cooling jacket on.  Fortunately he appears to enjoy the pool and has been cooling off as well as getting a bit of exercise in the pool I have just for the pugs.  Joe has also proved to be quite a good swimmer.

June 21, 2018 – Joe went to Rehab Fur Your Pet this afternoon and, he is delighted to announce he weighed in at 29.8lbs.  Joe continues to be a joy to foster and, he is becoming a real snuggle pug.  He gets hot quickly so he likes to keep his butt on my lap and then he stretches the rest of his body over the armrest of the sofa and across the end table knocking off anything in his way.  Joe loves to watch T.V.  His eyesight appears to be very good as he barks at any animal he sees on the screen even if it just flashes on for a second.  This sweet boy is very sociable and wants to greet every person and dog we see.  He will whine and cry and drag me across the park to meet the group of pups playing there.  He still doesn’t play with other dogs but he definitely enjoys being around them.  Joe will guard his toys and will growl and nip if one of the resident pugs gets too close but he seems to be fine in all other circumstances even around food.  He is fed right along with his foster brothers and he always finishes first.  He will watch for the others to finish and then check out their bowls just in case something is left in the bowl.  For a hefty boy, Joe is not food obsessed.  Like all pugs, he loves to eat but he doesn’t beg for food.  Joe loves to go shopping especially if the store has open bins of chewies that he can sneak a taste of.  Joe gets extremely excited to go in the car and will whine and jump around and will dash out of the door when we arrive at our destination so we use a seat belt clip to keep him safe.

June 10, 2018 – Joe is an adorable 31lbs (down 3lbs) of energy. This is boy loves to play and is very toy motivated. Even though he lost most of his front teeth during his dental procedure, Joe likes nothing better than a good game of tug of war and let me tell you, this pug is strong. Joe needs a family that will provide him with a lot of stimulation. Despite his size, he is a high energy dog. He is not a dog that would be happy sleeping away the day. Joe gets very excited when his harness comes out although he hates putting it on over his head. He has learned to sit and is learning to wait when we go to open the door. As soon as he sees my hand reach for the door, he plops his butt right on the floor. Waiting for the OK to go out or in a door is a little more challenging but, he is definitely learning. Joe is walking much better on the leash and we can walk him with the resident pugs very nicely. Joe is a power walker. He just wants to go. We practically have to jog to keep up with him. He will stop to smell or pee occasionally but he is not a pug that wants to go for a leisurely stroll. Last night, he went on a pack walk with dogs of all sizes and dispositions and had a ball. Joe doesn’t socialize or play with other dogs but he seems very interested when he sees them. The only thing that seems to slow this sweet boy down is the heat. The few warm days we have had have definitely affected his energy levels while he is outside. It is sad to see because he loves to be outside. His ability to cope with warm weather will improve as he continues to lose weight.  Joe continues to go to hydrotherapy twice a week and he LOVES it.

May 28, 2018 – Joe has his teeth cleaned on Thursday May 24 and lost 15 teeth but I doubt that it will slow this sweet boy down. Joe is an absolutely lovable character. He loves his toys but we had to put many of the toys away (as he was destroying them) and keep out the more durable ones. However, he sits outside the room where the toys are hidden and waits for an opportunity to sneak in and grab one of the forbidden toys. Joe is a very vocal pug and will throw a tantrum, scream and bite the leash and shake it if I make him wait to go out the door or get into the car. This big boy even managed to pull right out of his harness. He is slowly learning patience. Joe is an extremely affectionate boy, his tail rarely stops wagging and once he loses some weight I’m sure he’ll be a wonderful cuddler. He tries to sit on my lap but he gets hot very quickly and goes to find a cooler place to lay down. Joe gets along well with the resident pugs and likes to be with them but he seems confused when they try to get him to play. Joe is a little possessive of his toys but is also respectful and will not try to take a toy from his foster brothers. Joe has settled really well into his new environment and no longer needs a belly band and when I go out he lies by the front door and waits for me to come home. Joe is a joy to have around. Joe has started hydrotherapy sessions yesterday, that should help him to slowly and smoothly lose all those extra lbs.

May 11, 2018 – Joe came in a little over a week ago.  He was found stray and never claimed by his owner.  Joe is extremely overweight and he is neutered. He is 34lbs.  We have started him on a reduced balanced diet and regular short daily walks.  Joe is a sweet boy with a tail that is always wagging.  He gets along very well with other dogs. Joe will be going to the vet in the coming week for a complete check up.


Age: DOB Jan 26, 2018
Adoption Fees: $500
Adoption Status:

August 10, 2018 – Eddie is going to his forever home in Burlington, ON on Tuesday August.

August 5, 2018 – Eddie continues to become a very smart boy.  He already knows a few commands and loves to play and run with other dogs.

July 25, 2018 – If you are looking for a smart active puppy, Eddie is your guy.  Please come and meet him this Saturday from 11 to 3 at Pet Valu @250 Greenbank.

July 17, 2018 – Eddie was neutered today.  He was cryptorchid (one testicle in his abdomen) but the surgery went very well.  Eddie is now 16lbs.  He has stitches to be removed in 2 weeks – he will have to remain calm for that time….then he will be up for adoption.

July 16, 2018 – Eddie has been a great pup since his arrival! He either has lots of energy or he is fast asleep- those are his only two settings. He is, after all, a puppy. During his energetic moods, he is eager to learn behaviour and new tricks, go for a walk and sniff everything, cautiously meet new friends (dogs and humans) and he loves to run!  Eddie has a healthy appetite and eats twice a day. He originally was fed using a dog bowl that is best for fast eaters but, after a few days, he slowed down and he is now fed with a regular bowl. Previously, Eddie was living with other dogs and his fast eating was likely instinct to be sure he had his food before anyone could steal it. Eddie sleeps on the big bed at night and has been sleeping very well overnight. He hasn’t woken us up too early for breakfast or to go outside and seems to have adapted mostly to our schedule.
When we are out, he is in his crate. He protests for about 3 mins once in his crate but, once you leave the house he settles down. He has not destroyed any beds since living with us after previously going through 3 we were told. He does like to chew right now but, he has not chewed any of our personal items (so far). We leave chew toys out and Himalayan chews for his chewing urges and this seems to help, especially when he is in his crate. We are confident that eventually he can be trusted to be out of his crate in our absence and we plan to try leaving him in the kitchen with his bed to start. Eddie is very clever! We have seen so much growth and potential in him since his arrival. Eddie can sit, shake a paw, hi-five, and stay (short distances and sometimes if you turn your back). He is very much food and praise driven. Eddie is working on fetch and his recall at home and when on walks with the lead. We are hopeful to be able to take him to off-leash dog parks with fencing. We are also working on not getting him to jump up on people and sometimes kitchen chairs. He is very fast and loves to run at the dog park with other dogs and he can easily catch up to the dogs with twice his stride.

Upon arriving, he was very scared of all dogs when we would go for walks and would practically “screams” and backs up or tries to run the opposite way when they get close. We take him for many short and longer walks during different times of the day and different routes so he can get more comfortable. We even took him to a farmer’s market so he could experience a somewhat “busy” environment with lots of people, smells, kids, and other dogs. He did great! He is now much more curious about other dogs and humans and waits for them to approach. He can still be a bit shy and occasionally screams if a big dog makes a sudden movement in his direction but, we boost his confidence with lots of pats between him and the other dogs and in a very short amount of time he has made a new friend! He is also a bit shy when people want to pet him. But, similar to the above when we tell him it’s ok and get down on his level he warms up right away. Often making more than one person’s day with his cuteness. He sits patiently when you put his harness on. He is still learning how to walk with us on the lead but, he is getting so much better than the first few days. He loves to sniff and explore. He is usually exhausted after even a short walk as he is taking in so much. He generally likes being outside, even if it’s only on the balcony to look out. He is house trained and lets us know he needs to go out by staring and whining at his harness or sometimes waits at the door to go outside. He doesn’t seem bothered in the car. We have a soft crate in the backseat and when he goes in it he just lies down straight away and same if we have him in the front seat with or without a passenger.
Eddie is getting neutered on Tuesday July 17, 2018.
Eddie has been a lot of fun so far and we are so proud of his accomplishments in such a short time.

July 4, 2018 – Eddie is doing very well.  He is going to a new foster family as of today and he is getting neutered on July 17.

June 16, 2018 – Eddie continues to get even better when we are on walks, he likes to lead the pack and is very proud when doing so. He does have to be in the lead of the other dogs or he wants to keep turning around to either see where they are or engage in play.  When meeting new people he barks and will shy away until he takes a sniff and deems them worthy of his attention lol. He loves the freedom to roam in the yard to play with his adoptive Newfoundland Gracie, these two are inseparable. He would do very well with other animals in the home to play with. Eddie eats well but still has to be watched while the other dogs are eating as he likes to help himself to their bowls. So we are still on constant watch even when we remove the bowls once they are done, he likes to scoot in and see if anything was left behind. When he winds down for the evening he loves to snuggle with one of us, and when it’s time for bed he goes directly in his cage with no prompting. He sleeps through the night and is up and ready to go by 5am!  Eddie is a very fast little dog! He would be excellent in agility training! He is the fastest dog in our brood at the moment and has our dogs on the run! They love it!Eddie is a joy to foster and has integrated well with our other dogs, especially Gracie!

May 29, 2018 – Eddie continues to get better on walks; he likes to lead the pack and is very proud when doing so. He has been introduced to other dogs and is quick to engage in friendly play.
When meeting new people, Eddie tends to shy away at first but again once he gets a few sniffs he loves the attention. He loves the freedom to roam in the yard to play with the resident Newfoundland.  Eddie eats well but still has to be watched while the other dogs are eating as he likes to help himself to their bowls. So we have adopted a plan to mitigate that by removing bowls once they are done and then they go directly outside to play. When Eddie winds down for the evening, he loves to snuggle with one of us, and when it’s time for bed, he goes directly in his cage and sleeps through the night and is up and ready to go by 5am!  Eddie is a joy to foster and has integrated well with our other dogs, especially our Newfoundland.  Eddie is getting neutered on July 26 and will be available for adoption soon after.

May 15, 2018 – Eddy is doing absolutely fantastic! He is a sweet and very lovable boy.  He loves his numerous cuddles throughout the day and is showing his true colors now as he is the instigator in rumbles with the resident dogs. Eddie is tenacious when he goes after the others, and thinks he’s 100lb dog, but they are very patient with him.  Walking on the leash is a work in progress as he tends to want to be in the lead, but he’s getting better and learning after correction to walk beside us. He tires a bit as he’s so small he tries very hard to keep up with the resident dogs.  Eddie is 98% house trained! He goes to the door and whines a bit to be let out! He occasionally has an accident still but overall he’s fabulous with letting us know his needs. Not much has changed in that department.  Eddie is still definitely a chow hound! This little guy loves to eat!  We have to monitor him while eating or else he eats everyone else’s food while they are still eating.  Eddie sleeps thru the night but is an early riser! No matter what time he goes to bed he’s up at 5am every morning! He still sleeps in his crate and goes in it when he’s ready for bed.  Eddie has the weirdest yawn!  It’s a long squeal then a snort.  We’ve also discovered that he is the fastest running dog in this brood! He can turn on a dime at full throttle.

May 11, 2018 – Eddy is doing very well and is fully comfortable with his environment. He has created a bond with the resident newfoundland Gracie the two are inseparable. He loves to play outside and go for walks especially now that spring has finally arrived. Eddie is doing well on the leash during walks but can be a little too excited about the whole idea. He has made a very positive impact on our family and loves to curl up with anyone and have a nap.
We are still working on his eating habits i.e him wanting to eat everyone else’s food! He is gradually learning his manners and knows to sit, stay, come and no. He’s a very special little puppy!  Eddie is now 10lbs.

April 9, 2018 – Eddie is born on January 26, 2018.  He is a pug mixed with a Chihuahua and a cocker spaniel.  Eddie is about 5lbs and full of beans.  Eddie has received his first 2 sets of vaccination but will go to the vet in a few weeks to get his rabies shot.  Eddie will be neutered when he will be around 5 month old.


Age: 6 years old
Adoption Fees: $400
Adoption Status:

May 19, 2018 – Barney is gone to his forever home.

May 11, 2018 – Barney is an incredibly happy Pug. He is very gentle with playing and really just craves love and attention. He loves butt rubs and neck scratches.The hardest training hurdle is he gets very excited when he sees another dog and barks a lot. He is fine when he gets close and sees that his “people” trust the other dog. Barney is fully house trained he hasn’t wore a belly band in weeks. No accidents and no marking. He loves his raw food diet. We have been training Barney to take treats gently because he has been a bit of a snapping turtle when he arrived.  Barney loves walks and loves being outside. He walks well on leash.  Barney sleeps in his bed on the floor and occasionally moves to a spot on the floor near the resident pug. He would do well in a home with another pug as he really enjoys the companionship throughout the day. Barney doesn’t like if you put your hand over his head to reach over to his back. He cowers like he thinks he will be hit. He is better approached by being pet on his neck first. He is more and more secure each week. When he feels more safe he wants to snuggle more and for longer periods.

April 25, 2018 – Barney had his teeth cleaned today and he lost 9.  He was microchipped too and everything went very well.

April 6, 2018 – Barney came in today.  He was surrendered by his owner.  Barney is 6 years old and he is neutered.  He will be going to the vet this coming Tuesday for a complete check up.  Come meet Barney at the April 8 Spring Paw Thaw at Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre @Britannia Park in Ottawa


Age: 9
Adoption Fees: $300
Adoption Status:

July 4, 2018…later – I have found my forever home with the exquisite Reese…..a 10 year old puggle who really found his way to my heart.

July 4, 2018 – I am doing very well and had a home visit at a place where there is a very nice puggle and I seem to have fallen in love with him.

June 19, 2018 – With all this nice weather also comes the heat. I don’t mind the heat, but prefer to stay inside where mums house is nice and cool! I think I’m pretty cool, collected kinda girl!- I’m pretty chill for the most part, except when I hear fireworks, now those bother me more than bugs! On a positive note, I don’t chew things which is something mum loves about me. I’m in great shape too!- I can jump quite high onto the back of mums couch from the floor. I haven’t had any accidents in the house and can hold everything in for about 7 hours or more! From when mum goes to bed at 11pm until my boys wake up 6:30 or 7am on weekends. I will go to the door when i need to go. Or sometimes I jump up at the door to get some ones attention.  I love meal times!- I can give you either paw when asked too!- I also like to sneeze to show how much I love food.  I really love my walks!- I don’t mind my harness either!. I can go for really long walks too!  Now I mentioned I love my walks, but I also love sleep and naps just as much!- I will cuddle up with anyone!  Other than the silly smoke alarm that im not a big fan of. Not much else bothers me. I’m a pretty tough girl!  I love to nibble on blankets or what ever is close to me. I also like to make sure my blanket is extra fluffy before going to bed at night!

June 10, 2018 – Its hard to believe that another week has passed by, the weeks go by so fast!- I keep hoping that a really nice family will look at my profile and think” well now, that at that pretty lady, she needs a great home!” Mum keeps telling me over and over again just how sweet I am and how come no one wants to get to know me?!- I really want nothing more than a loving new human family that loves me for my quirkiness!- I already know how cute and pretty I am. I’m also in great Health!- I can run really fast!- I love to run around mums fenced yard many times!. I even love to go on trampolines and watch my human boys. I’m also very good at having no accidents in mums house!- even when they sleep in later on weekends. Now when I’m outside, I wish I could stay outside all day!- I think mum has caught onto me wanting to go outside just to sun bathe and try and catch those pesky squirrels and chipmunks. Okay and maybe birds too!
Eating habits- mum has been trying to get me to try some interesting healthy and dog friendly safe fruits and veggies. I love watermelon and shredded carrots so far. And well of course my dog food and dead bugs are tasty too! Now that the rain has stopped after what seems like forever last week, I can get back to having long walks again. I don’t mind the rain, but my humans aren’t fond of it, not sure Why?!
I also don’t mind when my feet are wiped clean after a rainy walk. It feels weird, but at least I don’t get my big comfy bed wet and dirty. Or as mum keeps calling it the couch.I love it when someone puts a movie on for me at bedtime!- then it’s no so quiet. I use to watch Benjamin button. Now I get to watch “catch me if you can”! It’s a good movie too! I have to admit, I really don’t like it when I see other animals in movies. And I’m very good at stating my opinion on it as well! That loud, noisy beeping thing that goes off sometimes when food is cooking is something I really don’t like. I know if I hide under a table the noise stops.  Aside from eating dead bugs and food crumbs I’m able to find on occasion, I also like to occasionally lick feet and other exposed human parts that are at my level. I think mum caught me fluffing up my bed. I like to push my blanket around with my nose to make it extra fluffy and comfy!
Have a great week everyone!

June 3, 2018 – Weekends are my favorite part of the week!- then again, who doesn’t love it when your human friends are home for 2 days!! I had a great time this weekend at Genevieve’s yard sale! Im still not too sure of other dogs, but I’m sure I could warm up to them eventually. I’m really curious abouts cats too!  I have to say, I think I’m in very good shape! I don’t feel like I’m 9. I certainly don’t act like I’m 9. I can also run really fast!, I’m told I act more like a 5 yr old. I hate to brag, but I can go a pretty long time without needing to go outside. I heard mum say to me the other day “wow!- you held everything in for 8 hours last night!” I will definitely let you know when I gotta go!- I like to jump up at the door and stare at someone. Mum says she thinks I like to outside just to smell the air sometimes. Who doesn’t like eating?!- that’s like saying who doesn’t like cake?!- I love my meal times!- Mum feeds me twice a day. I will even chat a bit when mum asks me if I’m hungry while holding my bowl. I love my walks!- my younger human friends love walking me!- they say I’m a good walker even though I like to smell lots of posts and poles. I love my big bed! I sleep very well on it, even when everyone is gone to bed.- or what mum calls the couch. Im not sure why she calls it that? Mum and dad really aren’t good at sharing my couch with me either. I keep trying to claim what I think is mine ( the couch) but they keep telling me I have to share. Not sure why? after all, there is a loveseat all 4 of them can sit on – one tough girl!- well except for the sound of the stove timer and the smoke alarm. Those are some scary noises!- I really dont like those noises!- I try to hide under the end table. But then my human friends will cuddle with me and tell me everything is alright! My best quirks are ( and I’m very proud to admit ) are- I often have fits of what is called a reverse sneeze. It’s pretty funny to hear!- I also like to lick the furniture, or anything really!- I also like to roll around on dead worms!- their the best and I smell so great after! I also like to bark at the sound of fire works!- one day I’ll actually get them!

May 29, 2018 – Another week gone by, boy time flies by fast!- This weather is fantastic!- I’m loving it!!- I’m so well behaved when mum and dad are outside with me in the back yard, at least that’s what I keep hearing. I got to meet a cat today. That was interesting, wasn’t really sure of what to make of her though. I got a little to excited to get close to her- Abby was her name. She wasn’t too keen on meeting me though. Mum and dad always tell me I’m such a good girl when they come home or get up in the morning I’m assuming it’s because I make no messes while they are sleeping or gone away during the day.  Gosh I look forward to my meal times!!- mum and dad says I eat a bit fast, but eat well and quick. I also like to eat anything that could remotely look like food on the floor. Including tiny bits of paper. My walks with my human foster buddies are my favorite part of the day! I’m walked at least 3 times a day and love every minute of it! I don’t mind the rain either. Thunder and lightning are no fear for me either. Let’s talk about naps! Now I talked about walks, now let’s talk about naps. I may love my walks, but I love naps and sleeping just as equally! I guess that where the getting old part sets in. But then again, who doesn’t love naps. Apparently I’m a bit of a couch hog that likes to spread out and push on what ever human body parts my feet touch. I think my human buddies just make that part up 😉 I think I sleep well at night, I hear mum tell me every morning.  In my opinion the quirkier, the better. Other than jumping up on the back of the couch like a rabbit, I think I’m a pretty cool lady!- okay, now maybe that’s a little fib. I’m a pretty special lady and the home I get to live in forever in will be one special family!  I will be at the June 2 UMWPR Garage Sale this Saturday if you want to come and meet me from 9 to 4.

May 22, 2018 – My Name is Lexi and this is my story!   I am a very sweet mix of Boston Terrier and Pug that barely sheds AND that loves everyone that comes to my very cool foster home! Now, I may not have that smooshed in look that one of parents had, but let me tell ya, I certainly have lots of pug traits.  I may be 9 years old, but don’t let that number fool you! My foster mum says she has a hard time believing I’m the age I am due to how much energy I have! She thinks I’m part bunny rabbit as I can jump from the floor to the top of the couches with ease! The vet also said I’m in great health!  I also can hold my bladder for a good length of time!- I dont make any messes in the house at night when all my human buddies are in bed or when the leave to go to school and work. I have to admit though…When I see someone come in the front door..i get really excited!!!- only because it’s very boring when my humans friends leave and I have no one to sit and cuddle with.  I LOVE FOOD!!!- I love it so much that I will eat dead ants if they look appetizing in the moment. My foster mum has been working with me lots in the past 2 weeks of getting me to sit patiently for my meals, I think I’ve done pretty good so far, I look at her and wait for her to say “okay” for me to eat. I will also sneeze to show how much I love meal times.  Do I really love going for walks!!!- I walk pretty good, I do however like to smell lots of posts and sometimes I insist on staying until im good and ready to move to the next best post!  My biggest wish would be to have a really big bed to sleep and to share it with a human. My foster mum and dad think its best for me to sleep on the couch. Do I snore?….maybe just a little.  Mum is very sweet and puts a movie on for me every night, so I don’t get lonely.  I think I’m a pretty fearless dog..I always tell them big dogs not to bother me!- even though I’m sure they could beat me up no problem. (But don’t tell them that okay).  My foster mum says my biggest quirk is stealing seats!- especially if its cool in the room and you get up for a quick minute to make a tea or coffee…that’s it…that nice warm seat is all mine!!! Lastly, my foster mum says she gets a chuckle out of how I gently nibble on blankets. I don’t chew them, but it’s a comfort thing. Mum just smiles and says…Im one special dog!!  Lastly to sum up, my novel is how much I loved this past weekend!- I had a great time at mum and dad’s cottage!. They have these lower windows that I can see out of and are surrounded by water. Mum really wanted to see if I liked water…well boy did I show her!!!- I REALLY love water!!!- mum says it’s a good thing she had something tied to me as I would have swam out a good distance. It was a bit cold but that’s okay..I had a great time at the beach this morning. Last night was great too!!- we sat around a nice warm fire…my human friends roasted marshmallows and I watched the ground to ensure nothing was dropped.. There were some really loud bang noises that I just had to bark at…mum laughed and said I was silly for barking at the fireworks.  What a great weekend it was!- now I’m off to take a well deserved nap, cause after all, it’s exhausting being a dog!!


May 14, 2018 -Lexi is a great dog, she loves everyone she meets! She loves going for walks, as well as sniff every pole or hydrant. Lexi does not like ballons or the sound of smoke alarms or stove timers. When travelling by vehicle, she does best in a back seat. She will still pant and shake, but not to the degree she did when we first got her. She also does not like to be behind a barrier of a gate and will whine. She also does not like crates.  Lexi is obsessed with balls and squeaky toys.   Lexi is now looking for her forever home.  An active family would be best suited for this busy girl.  Lexi would also be best as an only dog.

May 11, 2018 – Lexi had her teeth cleaned (she lost 7) and the little growth removed on her eyelid on April 25 and she is doing  very well. She is eating soft food at the moment and noticed she gets really excited when she hears the can opener and a metal bowl. We think she was primarily fed wet food, due to her level of excitement.
The dog trainer came to visit our house tonight to observe and direct us in the right direction to curb Lexi’s obsession with animals on the TV as well as her whininess. She is a quick learner and have lots of confidence will do well with training and guidance on our end and ongoing in her permanent home.
Lexi is a very active girl and would do very well in an active home.

April 19, 2018 – Lexi loves all humans. Dogs….not so much.  Lexi loves to play with squeaky toys and balls very much.  She will not stop at any lengths to fetch and retrieve. Lexi will jump up towards our T.V if she sees or hear a dog on it. While on the subject of dogs, she is not a big fan of any dog especially big ones.  In terms of sleeping habits, we have discovered she does not like to sleep alone. Our boys take turns sleeping with her on our main floor and they said she is a big cuddler. Lexi will not eat straight up dry food. Lexi does well on her walks. Lexi is going to get her teeth cleaned and get the little lump on her left eyelid removed on April 24.

April 9, 2018 – Lexi went to the vet for a complete check up on Friday.  She is a solid 23.5lbs girl and would benefit from losing 2lbs.  Lexi has been brought up to date in her vaccination and she is getting her teeth cleaned and the little lump on her left eye removed on Aril 24.  Lexi is exceptionally good with people but we think that she would do better as an only dog as she doesn’t like dogs getting in her face.

April 3, 2018 – Lexi is settling nicely. She walked in our house and settled like she’s part of the family. She’s a great eater but we have to keep our eye on the other dogs food or she’ll help herself…lol. We’ve also noticed her favourite spot to lay during the day is on the back of our sofas! Preferably behind one of our heads ! Lexi is running around and playing outside with the other dogs and loves the interaction! On leash, she is pretty good and walks beautifully with the other three. We gave her a nice bath and she sat like a princess and had a nice wash. Lexi is going to the vet this Friday for a complete check up.

March 31, 2018 – Lexi arrived today, she was surrendered by her owner who didn’t have the time to look after her anymore.  Lexi is a Boston/Pug and she is 9 years old.  She is used to small dogs and kids.  Lexi will be going to the vet in the coming week for a complete check up.  Stay tuned for more info on Lexi as we get to discover her personality.


Age: 5 years old
Adoption Fees: $400
Adoption Status:

March 31, 2018 – Chico is gone to his forever home in Montreal, QC.  He will be lucky to go to work every day with his new mom.

March 24, 2018 – Chico continues to be a very sweet boy and sometimes talks to us when he’s excited. He is more interested in playing now since his teeth have been removed. The past couple days, we have gone out for a little bit and Chico has barked more when we left and when we came home. So definitely showing a bit of signs of separation anxiety. He definitely likes being with other dogs and will snuggle with the resident pugs. Chico would not like to be left at home alone for long periods of time. He loves playing with kids and dogs and he is very gentle. Chico is healing nicely from his dental surgery. His breath is now fresh and he looks much happier. Chico is doing a great job in the house training dept.
He didn’t try to mark when we visited a friend’s house. Chico is very polite when on leash and and enjoys 4 to 6 walks per day. Chico continues to love his raw food. His coat is so shiny & soft. Chico sleeps in the big bed. We don’t think he would do well in a crate. He will bark & cry when he’s separated from us on a different floor by a gate or a door. Chico has free range of the home and he’s not destructive. He continues to grow in showing us his temperament. He’s occasionally testing boundaries (jumped on coffee table looking for food). He is starting to understand zoomies and is chasing one of the resident pugs in a very playful game. With lots of attention, this sweet boy will continue to grow and be more confident.

March 20, 2018 – Chico had 13 teeth removed today and the rest were polished.  Chico is back to his foster family for a smooth recovery.

March 9, 2018 – Chico went to the vet and was brought up to date in his vaccination.  He’s a healthy boy who had a rough life so far.  Chico will soon get his teeth cleaned.

March 7, 2018 – Chico came in last night.  He was surrendered to us as the resident dog didn’t get along with small dogs, he had his ears chewed and was viciously bitten on his back a while ago.  Chico is 5 years old and he is neutered.  Chico had a nice visit at the groomer to get a nice bath and get his nails cut.  Chico is a very sweet & snuggly boy but is finding is voice as he gets more comfortable. He likes to be told he is a good boy and gets along easily with the resident pugs so far. He is most definitely a Daddy’s boy.  Chico will be going to the vet in the coming week for a complete check up.


Age: 7
Adoption Fees: $300
Adoption Status:

March 22, 2018 – Leon is gone to his forever home and will share his life with a puggle brother.

March 17, 2018 – Leon is a very sweet boy.  He loves cuddles and the company of other dogs.  Leon is looking for his forever home.  If you think you are the family for this adorable pug X, please submit your Adoption Application.

March 11, 2018 – Leon no longer sleeps in his crate. He’s made a more comfortable sleeping spot on the couch on the main floor on top of a nice warm fuzzy blanket. No accidents anywhere in the morning either! We’ve learned he doesn’t like the car. He gets very anxious. He loves playing outside in the snow with his ball. He’s still eating and drinking very well. We’ve been trying to teach him how to sit and stay. He still needs a lot of practice but he’ll get there! New obsession of the week are belly rubs!

March 4, 2018 – Leon is such a sweet boy! We have noticed a huge change in his behaviour over the last week. He is such a snuggle bug! He still gets nervous around new people but warms up to them pretty quickly. He loves playing with any rubber toy! He does get very possessive over his toys but that is something we are working on. The house training is going well! He’s only had two accidents in the house this week. He loves going for out for walks and is great with his harness. He does very well with other dogs. He does get jealous when another dog gets attention so he will come right up and sit on your lap to make sure you don’t forget about him. He loves snuggling up with our Puggle. He does very well in his crate at night. He sleeps right through the night. We are in the process of teaching him how to sit and stay. Leon is making great progress!  Leon is getting his teeth cleaned on March 14.

February 23, 2018 – Leon is a pug x (we think he is a mixed with a Boston Terrier); he was found stray and never claimed.  He has been neutered, brought up to date in his vaccination & microchipped.  He needs to have his teeth cleaned.  Leon is going to the vet tomorrow for a complete check up.  This sweet boy is 17lbs and he is quite active.  Loves his ball and the company of other dogs.  Stay tuned for more on Leon as we get to know him.


Age: 5 years old
Adoption Fees: $400
Adoption Status:

December 30, 2017 – Bobbie is gone to her forever home in the Niagara region.

December 22, 2017
– Bobbie got spayed on Tuesday. She also got her nostrils enlarged & her soft palate shortened to improve her breathing. She spent an overnight at the vets and has been home resting the past couple days. She is on antibiotics and pain medications for a few days and requires several small meals throughout the day to make sure she gets adequate nourishment while not causing any harm to the palate. She has been very sleepy and isn’t a huge fan of wearing the cone for the next two weeks but she is healing well. Bobbie has continued to do all her business outside. As a true pug, Bobbie doesn’t love winter, ice, snow and obviously salt. She now wears Pawz booties and her pretty knitted sweater when going for her walk and that makes her very happy.
She is much better at walking on leash now and she likes walking with her foster sisters. She does not like to lead and will stop and wait for her foster sisters to go ahead. Bobbie is currently eating a soft diet four times a day for the next two weeks and then can resume her previous diet. Bobbie sleeps in a bed on the floor. Though lately in protest of her cone she is falling asleep standing up and eventually lays down. Bobbie would be best suited for a family who is moderately active. She will need to be pushed to increase her activity level but she is not likely going to be interested in going on a run or hike. She would also be best suited with a family with an existing dog or pug as opposed to a solo dog. She likes to snuggle and groom her foster sisters and prefers they lead the walks. Bobbie now does the stairs all the time with no problem.  She is a very friendly girl and gets along with all the dogs we have seen her meet. She is so sweet and gentle. She really is just a calm girl.

December 12, 2017 – Bobby is such a blast. She is a cheerful and funny addition to our foster home. She is almost always happy and really loves to snuggle and play. Bobbie is going for a pre op checkup today for her spay and soft pallet surgery on December 19. She did have some skin breakdown between toes. With regular toe clipping, cleaning and polysporin it has cleared up. Bobbie had only one pee accident. Turns out she is not a fan of winter nor snow, she tricked us into thinking she had went outside and then peed inside. She hasn’t done this since. Such a smart girl. When the weather is nice, she likes walks. When it is cold and windy, she tries to sit in protest. She is learning that walks happen no matter the weather. She is very thankful for her warm knit sweated when we do go out.  She has no problem eating and drinking.  Bobbie sleeps in her own bed on the floor at the foot of our bed. She loves naps. Bobbie loves to run in circles when she is happy. She likes chasing the resident pugs and being chased. Bobbie has done the indoor stairs more and more. She just does them in her own time. And sometimes, she gets carried if she decides to fall asleep at the top of the stairs instead of coming down.  Socially, she has interacted well with other dogs we have met on the street. Bobbie is very affectionate and loves to show you how much she loves you. She also likes to cuddle one of the resident pugs.

December 5, 2017 – Bobbie went to the vet yesterday for a complete check up.  This sweet girl is 20lbs.  She needs to have her soft palate shorten and nostrils enlarged as she’s breathing very heavily.  She will get spayed at the same time.  The surgeries are scheduled for December 19.

December 4, 2017 – Bobbie is doing really, really well. She has been a very easy dog to transition to our home and follow a routine. Sometimes, when she gets really excited she has a tough time breathing it can get pretty bad. Overall she looks healthy, clean ears, nose, nicely clipped nails. Bobbie is a solid girl and will definitely benefit from weight loss. She has also had several reverse sneezing episodes when she gets excited.  Bobbie is house trained. She has not made any messes and does a great job doing her business outside. It does not appear that Bobbie has had much experience walking on leash. She doesn’t pull and is quite polite but spends a fair amount of time circling around us and needs some direction. She really enjoys walks and has a good amount of energy.  So far she eats well. She gets 1/4 cup of kibble with some wet food as a topper. She sometimes doesn’t completely finish it. However she is food obsessed and it appears she was fed table food. She has been known to beg, but is quickly learning that isn’t the rules in the foster home. Bobbie is the easiest girl to settle down at night. She quickly found her new bed all by herself last night and was asleep in no time. She slept all night and had to be woken up for breakfast this morning. Bobbie loves stuffed animals and likes to carry them around in her mouth and toss them in the air. She of course really likes to follow the humans around the house and goes where the resident pugs go too!  So far the only fear we have noted is she is not a fan of going down our indoor stairs. She will just sit at the top. So we have been carrying her. So stairs are new. We will work on them when she is ready. Socially she plays really well with the resident pugs. She is quite the curious girl and likes to check everything out in the house and on walks. Bobbie has major head tilts. Ask her a question or make some noise and she will show you all her head tilts. It is very cute.  Bobbie is the Kissing Monster! She loves to show her affection for you.  She really is just a sweet, sweet girl.

December 3, 2017 – Bobbie came to us yesterday.  She was retrieve from a hoarding situation.  Bobbie is a nice girl and she gets along well with other dogs.  Bobbie will be going to the vet this week for a complete check and to have her spaying surgery scheduled.  Stay tuned for more on this sweet girl as we get to know her more.


Age: 5 years old
Adoption Fees: $400
Adoption Status:

December 27, 2017 – Rosie went to her forever home today, she will share her life with 1 young male pug.
December 26, 2017 – Rosie walks very well on a leash now. She gets 3 walks a day. She still isn’t a huge fan of her harness, but is much better than when we first got her. Rosie looks forward to mealtimes which are twice daily she eats quite quickly. Rosie has a great personally!- she loves to play with all her toys, pull her bed out of her crate and there is no shortage of love for socks! She also likes to lay on the carpet and pull her lower half of her body all over the room.  Rosie is very inquisitive! She likes to know what’s going on all the time! She is a follower and will follow most of us all through the house at any time. In terms of travelling. She’s travels well!- she does best on her own seat so she can observe her surroundings. I don’t give her the opportunity to explore. I ensure she has a blanket to sit on and fasten her leash to the seat. Otherwise she would sit on me while driving.
December 19, 2017 – Rosie is in great health and the perfect weight- no issues at all. Rosie is doing much better walking on a leash but still needs a bit of coaxing to get her harness on. While walking, she will bark at people, but is very friendly when they are able to approach and greet her. She loves any form of attention! Rosie looks forward to mealtimes. She sits on command and waits patiently for us to put her food down. We make her wait till we give her the okay to eat.  Rosie sleeps in her crate with a fuzzy blanket. We keep her on our main floor and we don’t hear a peep out of her all night until morning and she can hear people talking. She also likes sleeping on a blanket on the furniture next to someone.  We love finding out new things Rosie likes to play and do each week! We have noticed she is fond of gentle tug of war type play as well as dragging her bed around our living room and she has a great love for thin socks! Rosie isn’t a big fan of big dogs that get in her personal space. She also isn’t too sure about cats from her vet visit a few weeks ago. I will re-introduce her to our neighbours cat this week and see how that goes. She does like gentle, non- hyper dogs. Rosie loves everyone she meets and vise versa! She does very well with our 9 yr old son though. Rosie is full of energy and is wiggly when we pick her up and will attempt to jump down when held. Rosie is very inquisitive! She likes to know what’s going on all the time!

December 17, 2017 – Rosie is doing very well.  She’s good with other dogs and she’s an active girl.  Rosie would do good with another dog or as an only dog with active family.

December 11, 2017 – Rosie’s vet visit went well!- she had a few teeth extractions along with a cleaning, micro chipping and a pedicure.  Rosie has had a few accidents in the house since her arrival. She is doing much better walking on a leash. She will still stop midway and not walk and have to bribe her with a treat or food to continue on our way. She still is not a big fan of doing her business while walking and prefers to do so in our backyard. Rosie eats well and quick! Rosie will lay beside us on our couch and not even budge when we eat something beside her.  Rosie is definitely a cuddler!- she loves nothing more than to be close or on you when your sitting on a couch or chair. Rosie likes her toys and she likes small tennis balls. She also has an obsession with stealing socks. She won’t chew them, but will take them and place them in random spots.  The only fears we’ve seen are big vehicles and she doesn’t like to be left alone in a room. She also is uncomfortable when someone hovers over her. She’s a follower of myself ( her foster mummy) particularly and will follow me everywhere in every room. If she cant see me, she will wimper until I am in view. She has learnt pretty quick not to be in our dining room when we are eating or in our kitchen when preparing food. She happily sits in the doorway watching us.  Rosie the nosy pug is a very sweet cuddly dog!

December 5, 2017 – Rosie is a very sweet girl, she hasn’t had 1 accident in the house since she came in.  It doesn’t seem that  she has been walked on a leash often. She waves all over the place and is startled by big vehicles. She even thought she should stop mid-way in a field during our walk last night and wouldn’t budge ! She also doesn’t like walking in tall grass.  Rosie eats well with no aggression. You can put your hand in her bowl with her consuming food. She does however eat very quickly.  Rosie loves to be on the couch and often on us under a blanket when catching up on sleep. She was quite restless last night and ventured from bed to bed all through the night. Rosie likes her toys. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with a ball though. She likes it when we initiate play. From what we have observed with Rosie so far, the only fear we’ve seen are big vehicles and doesn’t like to be left alone in a room. She also is uncomfortable when someone hovers over her. She’s a follower and will follow us everywhere in every room. We are teaching her that personal space is important when her human friends prepare and eat dinner so she doesn’t stepped on.  Rosie is a quick learner and we are confident that she will have no problem learning other new things introduced to her.  We should also mention that when we were at the vets yesterday, there was an office pet cat. She really seemed unsure of what that furry thing with the long tail was!  We have nicknamed her Rosie the nosy dog!- she likes to take socks! she won’t chew them, but will take them and move them around our house if given the opportunity. She also likes to crawl on her belly and stretch her back legs and pull herself all over the carpet. When she’s in a vehicle, she is very eager to see what her surroundings are. Including looking at other people while driving by or at red lights. To sum things up, Rosie is a sweetheart!

 December 4, 2017 – Rosie went to the vet today for a complete check up.  Rosie is up to date in her vaccination. She needs to have her teeth cleaned and this procedure has been scheduled for December 7.  Rosie is 19lbs.

December 3, 2017 – Rosie was surrendered by her owner.  She’s 5 years old and she’s spayed.  Rosie is good with other dogs and she will be going to the vet this week for a complete check up.  Stay tuned for more on this beautiful girl as we get to know her more.