Age: 10 1/2 years old
Adoption Fees: Hospice Pug - pls donate
Adoption Status: Successful Adoption
September 17, 2019 – Our sweet BB has lost her battle against diabetes and her hind long could no longer support her weight. She also started being completely incontinent in the house. We made the decision to let her cross the bridge as her quality of life took a huge toll in the past week. Thanks a millon times to BB’s foster mom Louise who gave her unconditional love over the past 6 months.
August 20, 2019 – Our little sweetheart is declining more with her hind legs, it’s so upsetting to see her mobility go downhill after all she has overcome. I help her down and up the steps into the yard. She goes pee in the yard, she goes a few steps and loses her balance now, picks herself up with those powerful front legs and away she goes again. She will run when it’s mealtime, I’ve never seen such a feisty determined pug.
July 23, 2019 – We have decided that BB will be a hospice pug so you will be able to see updates of her on the Hospice Pugs page. Her wobbly back end, frequent accidents in the house, her blindness & her twice a day injections of insulin make that sweet girl a very hard pug to get adopted. BB has been living in the same foster family since her arrival at UMWPR and she has become very attached to her foster mom and vice versa.
June 19, 2019 – Our little BB is still motoring along and full of energy . She loves to play with me and does the cutest pug growls. Still my shadow more than all the other animals in the gang. BB is enjoying life and that tail never stops wagging.
May 24, 2019 – BB had her teeth cleaned. She lost 6 and the rest were cleaned and polished. BB is back to her foster family for a smooth recovery. BB is having a glucose curve next week to make sure everything is good with her insulin. BB continues to be a cuddly girl with her foster mom and the resident dogs and cat. BB’s back end is a bit wobbly but she enjoys exploring the backyard and will even run sometimes. Nothing stops that sweet girl.
May 21, 2019 – BB is getting her teeth cleaned today. She will have one less tooth to deal with as it came out in her food bowl last week !! BB is now getting iDrops in her eyes twice a day because she has dry eyes. She is doing great, follows me the instant I move. Loves being out in the yard or going in the car. BB gets plenty of exercise with the resident pugs and outside running (sometimes ) in the yard. She has settled in so well with the resident pugs but loves me the best. She’s my cuddly teddy bear.
May 6, 2019 – BB is still trying to navigate her way around. She still has some difficulty getting down the steps to the yard but if she takes her time she does better. She loves to be outside in the yard with her animal buddies but she still needs to know where I am. If I come in, she follows me. If I sit, she is on my lap within minutes; she is the cuddliest pug I’ve ever had. She is the happiest when she is near me, except for when she’s eating ! BB is wobbly on those hind legs but that doesn’t stop her. Her blood sugar is stable and I’ll check it again this week, I adore this little sweetheart.
May 1, 2019 – BB is such a little love bug , the sweetest little girl . She’s my shadow and wants to be near me at all times .. She is still trying to adjust to her vision loss , and has bumped into a few things. She loves to be outside in the yard and lie in the sun . She also loves to snuggle up to the resident dogs. She is doing good with her energy levels and her appetite. She still only gets fed twice a day with her insulin , and let’s me know quite vocally long before it’s mealtime. She is holding her own with her hind legs , they are weak but she is a feisty little girl and keeps going ! She is just a sweet loving tail wagging little girl !!!

April 16, 2019 – BB had a fun day at the Spring Pug Thaw yesterday ! She was like the energizer bunny but has finally slowed down and is tucked in for the night . Because of her diabetes, she has now lost sight in both eyes, it is sad because she has been through so much and was finally getting healthy and the ulcer in her bad eye has healed .. Glucose curve this week was great and the vet was very pleased with her readings . Her blood sugar is stabilizing with regularly scheduled insulin and mealtime . BB was so excited to get home and ran around like a puppy. I think she was happy to be in her familiar surroundings… It warmed my heart at her reaction. BB has had number two accidents because she doesn’t have control but goes outside for her other business !It took a lot of support, from wonderful people financially, an amazing vet, and lots of care, but this little girl is so worth it.

I give her insulin with no effort , very easy with her , she doesn’t notice . BB has a few number two accidents but with the warmer weather and getting outside more it’s getting better . She is so wonderful with kids and other pets, even tolerates the antics of George the Sphinx cat.
BB loves to go outside, loves to soak up the sun.
March 25, 2019 – BB is snuggled on my lap as I write this . She is such a sweetheart, I just adore her . What a feisty confident little girl . Not like the sick girl who first arrived . She had such wonderful care at the Eagleson Veterinary Clinic , and is responding so well with her insulin and diet . She is very tolerant with wearing her cone going into week three , she helps me when putting it on despite the inconvenience for her . I did a glucose curve on her, 7 times in one day I pricked her ear to test her blood sugar , and she was so good …I give her a little more freedom now for short periods of time but watch her closely . Her ears are great and her ear meds are just a week maintenance. She still gets her eye cream , but things are really improving . She loves to snuggle , but also loves to go outside . She is full of energy …She never has a Pee accident , has one day left of her antibiotics for her UTI , but sometimes has an accident with number two , because of her hind leg weakness .
BB is like a new dog and is just the cutest little girl .
March 13, 2019 – BB was at the vet clinic from Sunday til Tuesday March 12. She came to us in a terrible health condition. She had a bad ulcer in her right eye, she had a Urinary Tract Infection, she had diarrhea with blood and her blood sugar was all over the place. She stayed at the vet clinic on IV fluids and was monitored 24/24. The vet gradually reintroduced insulin and yesterday, he sent her back to her foster home. BB never stopped having a good appetite and she seems to be doing better every day. She has been put on antibiotics for her UTI and she has 2 different kind of drops for her eye. BB is a real trooper and such a sweet girl. Her tail is wagging all the time and she loves everybody. BB will eventually need to get her teeth cleaned but we will wait until she is completely stabilized with her diabetes and her UTI and ulcer are is healed.
March 9, 2019 – BB came in today. She was surrendered by her owner. BB has diabetes. She also has an ulcer in her right eye. BB went to the vet this afternoon and she is getting 2 different medication in her eye with the cone collar and antibiotics. She is going back to the vet on Monday for complete blood work and check up. This sweet girl turned 10 in November 2018. Stay tuned for more on this sweet girl as we get to know her better.